University of Warsaw

prof. Bartłomiej Walczak

Bartłomiej Walczak, PhD, sociologist, cultural anthropologist. He works at the University of Warsaw. His research interests include evaluation in education, influence of mobility on education, parental involvement in education and educational change. He authored two, co-authored four other books and over 60 other scientific publications, both in Polish and international journals. He worked as an expert for numerous Polish and international institutions, among others: OECD, OSCE, Public Education Evaluation Commission (Saudi Arabia), Polish central government and its agencies, local authorities. He participated in over 80 research and evaluation projects.

Agnieszka Borek

Agnieszka Borek is a sociologist, evaluator and coach with strong research and training expertise. Her research interests are focused on the quality of the process of teaching and learning, evaluation and self-evaluation and educators’ professional development. She is a certified educator and trainer, works with adults and young people. For six years (2010-2015), she was a director of the educational project for 28000 Polish teachers and principals, focused on the whole school development, exploring issues of school self-evaluation, authentic teaching and learning process and data-based decision making. She was a member of the expert’s team, supporting the established standards of education and evaluation in the public education system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. She has been involved in several Erasmus + projects which concerned volunteering, preventing ESL and adults’ group education.

Magdalena Swat-Pawlicka

Magdalena Swat-Pawlicka is the program director and lecturer in the School of Education of the Polish-American Freedom Foundation and the University of Warsaw. She is also a teacher of Polish language and formative assessment practitioner. She worked for the Institute of Public Affairs (Jagiellonian University in Cracov) in the pedagogical supervision reform project and for the Center for Civic Education (Warsaw) as an expert and coach.